
Hello! I'm Ufuk Bircan Özkan.

I am an industrial designer with a passion for creating functional and aesthetically pleasing products. With more than a decade of experience in the field, I have had the opportunity to work on a variety of projects ranging from furniture and hospitality to toys and transportation. I have 2 patents, 5 utility models and more than 50 design patents registered.

In my work, I strive to identify and solve problems through thoughtful design, attention to detail, and a user-centered approach. I believe that good design has the power to improve people's lives and make a positive impact on the world.

Thank you for visiting my portfolio. I hope you enjoy exploring my work and learning more about my design process and philosophy. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or would like to discuss potential collaboration opportunities.

ufubo: Acronym for my name, Ufuk Bircan Ozkan.


2004-2009 Study @ METU, Department of Industrial Desgin ⤤, 📌Ankara

2011-2013 Industrial Designer @ Evinoks A.Ş. ⤤ , 📌Bursa

└ 2013 🏆A'Design Award, Iron: Evinoks Vital Modular Buffet

2013-2016 Industrial Designer @ Grammer A.Ş. ⤤ , 📌Bursa

└ 2014 🏆Automotive Design Competition, 3rd Place Award: ErgoFeet ⤤

2014 🏆A'Design Award, Runner-Up: ErgoFeet ⤤

2014 🏆A'Design Award, Iron: Blindbox ⤤

2016-2020 Industrial Designer @ İnova Otomotiv ⤤ ,📌 Bursa

└ 2018 🏆A'Design Award, Bronze: İnova Agile 4525L ⤤

└ 2019 🏆Design Turkey, Good Design Award: İnova Agile 4525L ⤤

    2019   ✒️Juror @ IMMIB Industrial Design Awards

2020-2022 Chief Industrial Designer @ Formfleks A.Ş. ⤤  , 📌Bursa

└ 2021 🏆European Product Design Award, Honorable Mention: İnova Agile 4525L ⤤

└ 2022 🏆iF Design Award: İnova Flex 4200 ⤤

└ 2022 🏆German Design Award: İnova Flex 4200 ⤤

2022-... Bus and Coach Seats Designer @ Compin Fainsa ⤤  , 📌Bursa

└ 2023